Call Now At (979) 300-6771

Call Now At (979) 300-6771

  • By: Freddie Medina, Esq.
  • Published: May 13, 2024
Personal injury claim form on clipboard with judge's gavel - The Law Office Of Fred A Medina PLLC

How Do You Protect Your Right To Compensation After An Injury?

A life-changing accident could happen on the job, while driving, or as you go about your day-to-day life. Regardless of how or where you were injured, the best way to protect your rights is to contact an attorney and seek medical attention as soon as you get hurt.

The goal of the insurance company is to deny your claim, argue that you were injured later than you’re claiming, and minimize your pain and injuries – and this becomes easier for them to do the longer you wait to speak with a lawyer.

Furthermore, if you delay seeking medical and legal help, it is possible to lose your claim entirely. This is why we strongly suggest that you seek a comprehensive medical evaluation and get a strong legal representative on your side from day one.

If An Insurance Company Offers A Settlement Right Away, Should I Take It?

Absolutely not. One of the goals of the insurance company is to settle your claim for as low as possible. Once you accept that offer, any claims you may later try to make are barred. Insurance companies don’t typically account for future pain or future medical complications. In some cases, an insurance company won’t even cover immediate medical bills.

This is why speaking with an attorney first is so important. An attorney can help you handle the aftermath of the accident and get you sound medical help immediately and in the long run. Finally, an attorney will gather all information pertaining to your accident and use it to work with the insurance company to fight for you.

How Do Insurance Companies Try To Deny Or Limit Claims On Personal Injury?

Insurance companies will generally minimize any kind of injury that you may have suffered. They use bare-bones algorithms and calculations to pay out the tiniest amount possible as compensation, even if this comes nowhere near meeting your basic financial needs or truly compensating you.

Insurance companies often ignore the fact that an injury can only begin to hurt or be noticeable a few days out from the accident. Neck pain, bulges, and back pain can manifest well after an accident. Unfortunately, if you didn’t seek immediate and continued medical help after an accident, an insurance company will argue that your pain is unrelated, and refuse the claim.

Lost wages, lost future wages, emotional pain, and the struggle of being unable to work as an injured young person should all be considered. This is why having diligent and tailored legal help is so important to have from the very beginning.

For more information on Personal Injury Claims In Texas, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (979) 300-6771 today.

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